1. Make sure you have sgx-gdb installed on your machine. Run: $ sgx-gdb --version to check it.
  2. Create a .gdbinit file in your project directory.
  3. Paste this into the file:
    # enable SGX memory measurement tool
    enable sgx_emmt
    # exit GDB after successfull execution
    set $_exitcode = -999
    define hook-stop
      if $_exitcode != -999
  4. In your global gdbinit file (in my case, ~/.gdbinit) paste these lines:
    set auto-load local-gdbinit on
    add-auto-load-safe-path /path/to/project/.gdbinit
  5. In your application, make sure you are destroying the enclave using sgx_destroy_enclave(const sgx_enclave_id_t enclave_id).
  6. Run your SGX program using SGX-GDB:
    $ sgx-gdb -ex=r --args your_executable arg1 arg2

    what it means:
    ex=r - tells GDB to run the program immediately
    --args - everything that follows it is a command and its args

    You could set an alias for this command to make it even smoother.

  7. In the output you will now find the memory usage, e.g.,
    [Peak stack used]: 14 KB
    [Peak heap used]:  67764 KB
    [Peak reserved memory used]:  0 KB